Every year it seems Alpinestars is expanding their catalog. What used to be only boots, then riding gear only available in Europe, and the growing availability of protection equipment (many of which has been reviewed here), Now the ridging gear choices has expanded and is available in the US! Alpinestars has become a one-stop shop for head to toe protection and function. And I have the chance to pass along my opinion of one of the 2020 options.
The trend among gear companies has been the form fitting athletic fit. Well, not all of us can pull that look off (#DadBod). When I asked what would be an appropriate line to provide good venting and air flow for our warmer riding temps, but also offer a looser fit for that vet rider profile, the Racer line was recommended and a set of Supermatic pants and jersey along with a pair of Dune gloves were on the way.
Well, I was impressed right away when opening up the package, and it wasn’t because it was in my favorite colorway (RED!). There have been years where the designs have been manic with colors that do not belong in nature. The 2020 Aplinestars Racer line is the complete oppisite from that. The colors are bold yet designs clean. A touch of the retro look with a contemporary take is just what this simple man with simple tastes likes. I would have been happy with any design from the Racer lineup. The Racer Supermatic line is at a lower price point than the Techstar line, but that does not mean inferior.
Supermatic Pants

The pants feature a longer zipper pull than other pants I have worn. That makes it much easier to get into, but for sure out of after a long day of riding. Once zipped up, there is a ratcheting front closure and pull tabs with a lot of room to snug up the fit (or let it out depending if you are riding post holiday). There are also lower waist stretch panels to give you some extra room if needed. The cuff of the pant is not overly tight nor is there a lot of excess material there to ball up around the leg when securing your boot. Overall the Supermatic pant is comfortable, light, provides as a secure fit as you want.
Supermatic Jersey

I really like the Supermatic jersey, but looks aren’t everything, right? Seriously, it may not have the mesh vented panels for hot weather riding, and it was about 90°F when I wore it, but the air flow was very good. And that is even with a chest protector on! The material is definitely moisture-wicking as I felt dry all moto. Alpinestars boasts of an extended rear which I am guessing is a product of testing with Jason Anderson. The jersey stayed tucked in all day. The cuffs are fitted, but don’t let that scare you. There is not a feeling of constriction while riding and the sleeves did not ride up my arms at all. This is a very comfortable jersey!
Dune Gloves
I am pretty picky when it comes to gloves. Minimal is best in my opinion. When I received the Dune gloves and tried them on I noticed there was a lot of palm material I was not looking forward to dealing with when I got to riding. If you are like me, when grasping the grip and feeling the palm of the glove ball up, it takes away from riding my best. All I can think about or feel is this bunched up glove and not getting feedback from the bike. Well, I can honestly say I was wrong and looks were deceiving with the Dune. The fit was spot on and I could feel the grip and levers well with the comfort of padding keeping the ride comfortable. With even a white knuckle moment or two, the gloves maintained their comfort and I had great feedback through the bars while riding. I guess sometimes a little more than minimal can be a good thing.
Alpinestars is not new, just ask your grand pappy. What is new is the continued additions of protection equipment to complement their quality boots. And now it is the expansion of their riding gear offerings at different price points that is easily available to us in the United States. They know how to make a quality product and the Racer Supermatic line is just that. For those that are looking for a great price for quality gear with a great design, Alpinestars is worth a look.
Racer Supermatic Jersey: $39.95
Racer Supermatic Pants: $119.95
Dune Gloves: $29.95
Want to get a feel for what Alpinestars has to offer? Drop in to one of our local Arizona dealers!