It’s always a good time to head out to Arizona Cycle Park in February to kick off the new year of amateur racing. The Loretta Lynn Area Qualifier is the first step that can take you on a six month journey to the famed Loretta Lynn Ranch in Tennessee to test your mettle against the fastest amateur riders in the country. Take a look at those chasing the dream.
If you want to see mor pictures of yourself, leave a comment below with your bike number and race(s) you were in.

Moto 2, 6, 13 #609
#710 in races 2,10 and 14. Thank you
Moto 17 #221
#470 in races 15 and 18
#80 race 19
Corbin 714 Moto 3, 12
Corbin 147 Moto 9
Corbin 14 Moto 8 Moto 11
#352 race 12
#351 race 5
#139 race 20
#114 moto 2 and 6
Race 5 and 9, number 556 please
Thank you so much for taking pictures!
#55 in race 12 and 17. Thanks!
#55 in race 12 and 17. Thanks
Hi Kris, can i see what else you have for Kash please! #338 race 12 7-8 limited. Thank you!
#55 races 12 and 17. Thanks.
#180 race 8
#27 race 19
#779 race 9 and race 20
Do you have any more on #202 race 2 and 13