Two series, one finale! Both the Saturday MX and Cactus State final rounds culminated at Arizona Cycle Park under perfect conditions. Weather was the envy of anyone not in Arizona and the recent rains just added to the prime track conditions. Congrats to all the champs, but because of the fun had by all, we are all winners. And the winning prize are free pictures brought to you by RideNow Powersports!
If you would like to see more pictures, leave a comment below with your bike number, and moto you raced.
Race #2 #24
Race #9 #12
Race 1 and 10. #24 ktm
Race 10 #805
Thanks for the great shots. I’m interested in see what else you got of #999 Moto 3 and 11.
Race 9 #124
Great pics – please email any others of Race 2 bike #512
Awesome job Kris!!!!
Race 6 #72 in the 2nd moto
Thank you for the photos!
Race 1 and 6 #41
#49 races 1 and 10
Race 9
#54 moto 5 & 12 and #23 moto 15
#217 race 6… Awesome shots!
Moto 2 #410 White Husqvarna
As always, ripping foto’s man!!!
#856 moto #7
Thank you much!!
Great Pics as always!!!
#133 races 3 and 11. Thanks.
Awesome… thank you! #821 moto 2
Great shots
Thank you the great pics all series.
Pee wee moto 15, #767
Moto 1 #694
Moto 9 #694
moto 6 – 808
moto 15 – 79
please and thank you!